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I Am Dr. Yakama Manty Jone

I am Dr. Yakama Manty Jones, one of the Open Government Fellows in Sierra Leone and I am passionate about development. One way in which countries can grow is when there is greater accountability and transparency in governance. Access to data on service delivery empowers citizens to hold service providers accountable for services.

Given current literacy rates, the level of access to the media , and level of inclusive governance, the media in Sierra Leone is aptly placed to facilitate the process of empowering communities. When citizens are armed with information that can impact their awareness of their rights and responsibilities as citizens and the quality of services they receive, there is greater community ownership and added pressure on service providers to deliver timely and high quality services.

Over the next five months I will be working with the other Open Government Fellows in Sierra Leone and the Code for Africa Team to capacitate our media organisations, civil society, selected Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and university students with knowledge and resources to help them be partners in promoting access to information. This process will be a mix monthly newsroom-based workshops, ongoing virtual support and mentorship to workshops.

By the end of my fellowship, I would want to see a situation where all participants use their newly acquired skills especially using data in journalism. Increased availability of open data, easier access and increased evidence- based reporting would help civic society and student bodies be better partners in governance. MDAs would also be better placed to improve their ‘trust’ relationship with the public. The public would be more interested in what projects and services are being delivered in their communities and would be inspired to be more proactive in not only the monitoring and evaluation of these projects but would be community champions for the sustainability of such investments.

Watch this space as I continue on this amazing journey. If you would like join me in this journey, send me an email on

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